Monday, April 02, 2007

I Love My Mondays, No, Really.

My goals for this week are: write synopsis and query letters. Oh, how I wish that were as easy as it sounds.
2. Discover why the refrigerator is spitting water on the floor. Much more interesting than writing that synopsis.
3. Continue on the romance novel, I did five pages over the weekend. I have another 4 to 5 pages of story waiting in my fingers.
4. Explore creating a webpage and all the e-publicity items suggested for writers. This is on the level of things I think are fun to do with writing the synopsis and having my wisdom teeth pulled.
5. Making my soap entry for the SoapNuts soap swap. This is fun thing I have to do this week.
6. Create a working title for the current story. This is the third fun thing for this week.
That is it: my chores.
Write On.

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