Monday, June 04, 2007


Knowing my limits is a freeing thing. I have been trying several genre and writing styles. This weekend I hit the delete key and got rid of the paranormal manuscripts, I wiped out the fantasy little unicorns dancing around little forests with sentient trees story and the shape shifters. I deleted a holiday story that just dragged and dragged even though I still think the basic idea is okay and someday I may do it differently.
I did the challenge and wrote two erotica romances, and my writing partner refuses to read them. Go figure. I doubt that I will do another erotic, but I did find that I liked doing the happy ever after and I have two more romances to complete in my four novella challenge.
All that deleteing left me with the romance novella set in Alaska, the American civil war historical romance novel, one mystery novel length that needs a major rewrite (how do you spell stinko), and an almost bare hard drive. I have been thinking about another mystery, using the same characters is the first mystery, but have them older and wiser. So many stories still bouncing around in my head.

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