Sunday, June 30, 2013

Roundng the Final Bend.

Happy smiling Sun courtsey of Picsburg

Last night, I ended my writing session with 72,036 words completed with 211 pages. That makes me only 7,964 words to the length of book I want. The story is not complete. But, I have to start at the beginning and add the embellishments. The descriptions and stuff that I don't put in when I am writing as fast as I can. I think I write too sparse. Wordy, perhaps, but descriptive sparse. For example: what color is the woman's hair? The manuscript leaves that up to you right now. She has a general body shape and that is it. Poor girl, having to go through this much story and not have anything but a body.  Then I must leave some words for when I edit the works, hate something and give it a good toss out of play.  Of course, if I go over the 80,000 words that is okay, too. I just have to have a goal somewhere. I mean, if I didn't have a pre-set stopping point I would go on and on. Which is precisely what happened to this short story that is now a full blown novel.
Next on the agenda:
 Write descriptives and surroundings.
Write the finale.
Copy edit.
Content edit.
Copy edit.
Someone else copy edit.
Cover art x 2 or 3. Book simmers on the back burner.
Final cover approval.
I will copy edit and story edit. Read it backwards. Start at end and move to beginning.

I do have a Final Title. It is now "Love Arrives." Unless someone has used that one, or someone comes up with something better.this is the third title. It started out as "1864", then "Love Arrives on Horseback", now" Love Arrives". I still kind of like the Horseback one better.
I don't think this is going to be ready to go by the 14th of July. Today, I will get on the word processor and start the fun part. I have nothing else planned to do, except to stay out of the excessive heat. Forecasters say another 117F.
Bring on the ice tea and watermelon.
Have a terrific Sunday, you guys.

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